What isNigella sativa?
The amount of black bean, there is no sufficient scientific evidence indicates that, the study conducted in the United States and pointed to the usefulness of black bean to activate the immune system, used one gram of black bean twice every day.
In fact, we urgently need to conduct further scientific studies on the black bean to learn about their characteristics and their effects. Until then, remain useful food black bean used by people for thousands of years.
The black bean is preferred not only grind when you use it if crushed and left even for several hours before use, the active ingredient of flying because it is a volatile oil .. But if crushed black bean and then mixed with honey mixture well and kept in a dark box and sealed, they retain their usefulness.
Black bean
Black bean is the seed of herbaceous plant around me responded by saying Mustafa: (in black bean cure for every disease but boring) and I will give in this article some of the facts, as well as perceptions that are not corroborated. To bring understanding I will use the way the question and answer.
* Do you keep the full black seeds in the refrigerator or not?
Can save the black seeds in the refrigerator.
* Do you keep black seeds ground and mixed with honey in the refrigerator? Do not save black seeds ground and mixed with honey in the refrigerator, but in normal room temperature. Illuminated
* Do you keep black seeds ground and mixed with honey in places lit? Do not save black seeds ground and mixed with honey in lit rooms, but placed in a sealed container and placed in dark places.
Q: Do you keep black seed oil in the refrigerator? Does not save the black seed oil in the refrigerator, but in normal room temperature. Difference
Q: Are the black seed's ability to treat all diseases with the permission of God? This is what is indicated by the Hadith, but clinical research (clinical) on the black bean did not know a few of the rights to use sometimes alone and sometimes taken to be strong and supportive impact to other medicines.
Q: Do you swallow seven pills a day of black bean useful for the healing of all diseases of the Interior? Is true where you need some internal diseases of the small doses and some need a bigger dose and effective dose, but generally about a teaspoon.
* Do you use black bean on a daily basis constantly? This is not recommended, but used for 14 days and then repeat the treatment after two weeks or more, the possibility of side effects.
* Do you use black bean for patients who suffer from low blood pressure? Do not use black bean for patients who suffer from low blood pressure.
* Do you use black bean for the treatment of acute asthma attack? Do not use black bean for the treatment of acute asthma attack. Germs
* Does the grain of the impact of the black killer of germs? Yes, we have proven in the lab, this property lies in the oil they contain. Tonic *
* Does the grain of the impact of the black tonic for the immune system? Yes, we have proven clinically and experimentally. Milk * Does the black pill diuretic effect of breast milk or breastfeeding? Yes, we have proven in the laboratory.
Q: Are the black seed impact on diabetes? Yes, it reduces blood sugar, but according to Midhdodip we learned about the damage to know black bean is not recommended to leave the insulin or sugar reducers known so far as the facts better.
* Can cause a black bean ill liver when used for a long time? Did not prove that the laboratory experiments on animals.
Q: Are the black seed oil can be used as food such as olive oil? Not advisable to use black seed oil as food. Vzi black bean medicine, not food.
Q: Do you use black seed oil for the treatment of internal diseases? Not recommended to use black seed oil for the treatment of internal diseases.
Q: Do you prefer to use the pill or a full black seed oil? Preferred to use the whole bean
The scientific name for the black bean is:
Nigella Sativa Family Ranunculaceae Alihumanip of the platoon.
There are three of the black bean types are:
Pond 1 pill a common basic black bean, known as Nigella Sativa It is a herbaceous plant around a length of 50 cm and heavy branching by light Ubar. Securities are divided into small parts filiform. Azharha's blue tinged white. Fruit is a capsule containing a number of seeds aromatic smell when you rub between the fingers.
2 tablets pond Damascene Nigella damascena which is somewhat similar to the kind previously only that the papers are divided into parts of a long and very thin, and its flowers large blue and there, including items featuring flowers single and another double and the most important items the individual known as Miss Jekyll with flowers, blue, (Persian ruse ), with a dark red flowers, while the items are classified IBA (Double blue) with a large blue flowers.
3 Nigella sativa Nigella orientalis Eastern dwarf plants are small weak growth and no more than 40 cm in length and securities to the fragmented parts of the high and long filamentous and color of vegetables, light yellow flowers dotted red.
Part of the plant used medically Nigella sativa: the seed and volatile oil (Volatile oil).
Original home
The original home of the bead both Asia Minor where they grow to large areas in Syria, Iraq and some other areas of the basin of the Mediterranean, then spread cultivated in temperate regions of both Africa and America. The most important producing countries have now Abyssinia, Syria, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and the United States of America.
Black bean in ancient medicine
Said by Ibn Sina "Alcuyenz spice cut phlegm and analyze the wind and solve tumors sputum and solid with vinegar eliminates sores sputum and scabies festering and benefit in the cold, especially powder and Mdjaola valuable image Flax and paints on the front of its headaches and if soak in vinegar overnight and then crushed and given to the patient for inhaled use of chronic pain in the head, kill the worms if Talah to the navel and the menstrual generate if used for days and watered with honey and hot water for calculus in the bladder and kidneys.
Ibn al-Bitar: "black bean yield menstrual drink, incense, and if mixed with vinegar after crushing were useful for the treatment of leprosy."
And David said Antioch: "Huniz (black seeds) remain strong for seven years which is hot in the third dry at the end or the second. Cut translucent phlegm, colic, wind, heavy and chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath, nausea and erectile dysfunction and ascites, jaundice, spleen, and use every morning with oil Browns colors .. and the ashes go Hemorrhoids drink and paint .. that soak in vinegar and inhale pure by the head of the headaches and other aches and colds. "
He has written Al-Biruni, a Muslim scholar (1048 - 973 e) - the Indian origin of this plant and its nutritional value and health, and occupies the cumin in medicine Greek / Arab - whose foundation was laid "Hipaqrats" and "Galen" and "Ibn Sina" - a prominent place ; where she was of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the liver and digestive system. In his famous book "The Canon of Medicine", Ibn Sina believes that black cumin can stimulate energy and helps to overcome fatigue and stress.
I found the black bean in Mumia Tuta Nkhammon Pharaonic, and the Duet Prawns Greek record in the first century AD that the black seed has taken to treat headaches, nasal congestion and pain of the teeth and intestinal worms, and Kmadrp and to regulate the menstrual cycle and produce a larger amount of breast milk.
And known to be added to the various types of food they are added to the bread and the circuit ground and the types of pancakes of different has been the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria separation of some active ingredients of the pilot fuel is located in the grain of the pond and found that one of the active ingredient has the ability to protect rabbits Indian when placed in an atmosphere saturated substance histamine were studied properties Aloqrbavenip and toxicity of this compound was tested on a large number of patients with asthma of children and adults and found to be useful in some cases of asthma and without damage and side effects were also medical reports from medical centers outside of Egypt (c. m. p) According to this sense also has been studied mechanism of action of this active ingredient and attributed to the impact Basit on the bronchi and Amadadath to histamine and repellent to the mine and found that it increases the power to install histamine in the blood of patients and found a last resort it installs cells Almasnep that produce the feedstock which cause asthma and found that it helps to excretion of uric acid and therefore relieves the pain of gout and also helps the secretion of bile from the liver was also found that the compound is other and nature of the phenolic has effective anti-bacterial and found that many types of bacteria can not live in the oil itself has been studied properties Aloqrbavenip and toxicity of this compound and then conducted its research to use topically in the treatment of inflammation of the outer ear and sinus disease Rabnoskeroma and proven studies bacteriological and pathological detects and covering the X-ray treatment success in some cases of sinusitis and Alrinoskeroma without any side effects and the tracking of more than six months.
Contents chemical Chemical research has shown that black seed contains a large number of

chemicals which contain the following:
An oil firm (Fixed oil) and up to another 35%, which is a fatty acids liberating hydrogen-unsaturated Fatty acids and some saturated fatty acids saturated Fatty acids in addition to a small percentage of Sterols (Sterols) and installation relative to the fatty acids of the oil firm is: Acid Aulink 20 24%, acid Nolik 4456%, acid Nollenek 6, 8.1% and acid and acid and acid Aracedk 9.2 5.2 Aekerzhadainok Balmitolenik 3% palmitic acid and 1214%, and acid Asterec 2:53 Mrstic% acid and 16% Astrulat and 0.5% was identified on the most important of Sterols and cholesterol, and Alcampsterol Alastjma sterols and Bitamsitustbrool and Alga Espinastbrool.
It also contains vitamins such as vitamin E, in addition to the articles of the soap and the most important compound Milanten black bean also contains beta carotene and a substance which proved to have effect against cancer cells. In addition to hormones and enzymes Hadmp and anti-acidity.
The most important are the contents of Nigella sativa volatile oil Volatile oil which is often blamed for drug effect. The volatile oil is a liquid volatile there by 1.5% and it smells aromatic Odhu color of pale yellow and the most important components of a composite Althaimokinnon range rate in the volatile oil between 18 and 25% of the weight of oil and a small amount of a substance binary Hedrotheimukenon and a high rate of substance Barracaymen 31.5% and Alfabeinin increased by 9,5% It also contains some oil on the Alasatr by 16% and phenol 7.1%, also containing sugar and starch ratios 33.9.7%, and minerals such as phosphates, phosphorus, iron and calcium.
(In modern medicine)
Grain of its image of black where the full impact of some research revealed that treatment of humans or rats, black bean powder led to the increase in the number and activity of some immune cells such as T cells and activated killer lymphocytes Klayat Alamblgmp (maciophages) in the endocytosis of germs. As research has shown the ability of these grains to increase the secretion of milk production in sheep.
Effects of aqueous extract of Nigella sativa: revealed empirical studies on the ability of aqueous extracts of Nigella sativa to activate the secretion of some factors that activate the immune lymphoid cells such as the subjects of interleukin 1 (Interleukine - 1) and interleukin 3 (Interleukine - 3) and to activate Bulgmh bacteria, as well as weaken the secretion infectious fluids acid and the prevention of experimental gastric ulcers updated material aspirin in rats. In addition to treating some diseases, intestinal worms in sheep and tapeworms in children.
The effects of Alcoholic Abstract:
Experimental studies revealed that the alcoholic extracts of black bean several effects such as lethal to many bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some fungi such as Aspergillus. Genocide, as well as some cancer cells and relax the muscles of the bowel and to curb the pain and cramps updated some experimental chemicals. As well as treat some people with certain intestinal worms such as tapeworms, Safra lumbricoides, as well as inhibition of inflammation, pain and prevention of tooth decay and prevent low level of hemoglobin and white blood cell count updated with some drugs such as anti-cancer drug cisplatin. (Pilot fuel)
Medical effects of the oil pilot of the bead black
Experimental studies have revealed the ability of the volatile oil in small doses to make some effects, namely:
Reduction of arterial blood pressure and reduce cardiac pulse rate in rats and pile on some influence activated Srotonip receptors in the brain.
Increase the speed of breathing "the events of irritation" and contractions in tracheal (Trachea) animal hair through the secretion of histamine.
Increase the secretion of bile in dogs.
Directed by increased uric acid, "the cause of gout" in the urine.
Lethal to many bacteria such as typhoid and Asalmunellh Alsnmp Alhbip and Alzanvp aeruginosa and some fungi such as Aspergillus niger and some intestinal worms.
Relax the muscles of the bowel and to curb the contractions updated some of the chemicals in it.
Reduce the level of blood sugar in rabbits and rats infected with the correct experimental diabetes after treatment with doses of "5 mg / kg" right in the peritoneum without any impact on the level of insulin in the blood.
Inhibition of contractions of isolated trachea of the animal hair material when activated histamine and acetylcholine and inhibition Tqdat arteries of rabbits updated material noradrenaline.
Reduction of body temperature by several degrees Celsius after injected in mice by activating receptors in the brain Srotonip in the Alheiboethelamsi researchers have tried to separate the main vehicles in the volatile oil of Nigella sativa and found that the compound Thaimokinnon is primarily responsible for the effects that resulted from the pilot fuel.
The composite Alfabeinin has discovered its ability to inhibit inflammation pilot through the secretion of hydrocortisone and discourage the growth of some bacteria, especially those associated with infections of acne, and that it has the ability to inhibit the growth of some tumors in the livers of rats and increased secretion of mucus from the airways in some patients with infections, pulmonary and particularly chronic. (use black bean).
Domestic uses:
Used boiled black seeds about half a teaspoon with two-thirds cup of water per day for the treatment of dysmenorrhea and Digestive and urine and expels flatus and bloating in the abdomen, as well as cough and flu.
Uses powdered black bean mixed with sugar plant, where 50 grams of toasted black bean and crushed with 30 grams sugar plant and ISV him half a teaspoon morning and evening so as to prevent gases and lack of appetite and can drink water with Ambassov to make it easier to swallow.
To kill the worms worms "snake belly" is used boiling one teaspoon of bean seeds with water and drink the cup in the early morning with empty stomach and repeated dose evening until he graduated dead worms.
To strengthen the immune system uses a quarter kilo of black bean modern and crush well and then mixed with kilograms of honey kind of natural and placed in a sealed container and taken from daily spoon center on an empty stomach until the quantity and this recipe tried and useful in protecting against cancer, noting that people with diabetes should not Istalmwa this recipe and they can use seven pills a day chewing on an empty stomach with a glass of skim milk.
Used in the manufacture of black bean recipe, to open the appetite for those who wish to obesity.
Black bean used in the manufacture of antidote bite or sting Scorpions where he will attend the antidote of the following materials: black bean, gentian, Aristolochia, over, the love of Laurel, premium, dry pennyroyal, Smab, Jndbedstr, pyrethrum, Zenjil, black pepper, asafetida, parts equal and mix with honey porridge to be given to the person being bitten as a grain of peanuts and drink with milk or water.
Black bean used widely such as picking up where the spices are added to Junbiv, cakes and pastries and some sweets and insert a few granules with Arabic coffee to give it a special flavor. This recipe and a recipe proven popular. (Uses external)
Cumin powder is used after the roasted and crushed, blended with honey for the treatment of warts and skin infections and warts, where painted on the position of the affected area and wrap gauze bandage at bedtime and still Rabat in the next day and repeat the treatment until the healing.
For the treatment of eczema mix a cup of black bean powder, one cup of olive oil must be mixed well before use, and then painted the affected part twice a day until your symptoms of eczema and can be refilled if the symptoms returned and this recipe popular but untested.
For the treatment of tinnitus as cooked black bean seeds fried in olive oil or sesame and Qatar in the ear heals, and if, God willing, Qatar, also recovered in the nose of a cold person.
Use black bean cooked with vinegar for the treatment of dental pain rinse.
If the pond with a grain of boiled water and inhale vapor person with a cold and recovered it must cover the bowl with a towel over his head.
Insomnia Cure
Teaspoon of black bean blends have a glass of hot milk and local honey which reads as follows, and then drink before going to sleep: O stars laugh, and calmed the eyes and you are alive Qayyum, does not take you years and not sleep Iahy Ahad Qayyum Leila and sleep eyes.
Headache remedy
Taken into flour, black bean and half pink soft and the other half of star anise and mix it together and take it when you headaches medium spoon the yogurt before breakfast and again before lunch that it is continuing with the paint place headaches oil, black bean and reads the following: "No god but God Great Halim, there is no god but Allah, Lord of the Throne, there is no god but Allah, Lord of heaven and Lord of Earth and Lord of the holy throne. "
For the treatment of physical inactivity and laziness
Drink ten drops of fat black bean mixed in a glass of orange juice on an empty stomach every day for ten days with a lot of this seeking refuge with the following: I seek refuge in You from disability and laziness, cowardice and the pyramid and miserliness, and seek refuge in You from the grave and the trials of life and death. With the advice not to sleep after Fajr prayer and a lot of remembrance of Allah.
Mental activity and the speed of the conservation
Langley mint and put it after seven sweeten with honey drops of black seed oil and warm drink and be legible when the verses of Spell.
Dizziness and ear pain
Drop fat black bean for the ear and Isfiha purified with use of syrups and fat with the temples and the back of the head. Honey and honey can be mixed in water with a pinch of salt and dripping in the ear before going to sleep a day.

Hair Loss
Knead in flour, black bean juice, arugula vinegar diluted with a spoon and a cup of olive oil and rub the exponent of this day, morning and night, washed with warm water and soap daily. Spell and read the verses and healing.
Kidney infections
Made for the spray of flour, black bean variant in olive oil on the body that suffer the college with the sugar pill black day on an empty stomach for one week only ending inflammation, God willing.
Important note must be drawn with
A black seed known as Nigella Sativa, known commonly is the only pill that use medical and other species should not be used.
2 modern black bean harvest and stored in the warehouses of good sober and heavy and the larger the light whenever it is bad or adulterated with other types.
Three tested positive for the species known and available in the market such as the Ethiopian, Indian, Algosaimip contents of chemical and one is no difference between them, ask the cheapest price.
4 Andg not to use black seed oil and the best you use the black seeds as they are and also used by the Messenger of Allah and his friends.
5, pregnant women do not use black bean during pregnancy, where the oil firm of the bead falls fetus.
Six non-use of black bean at all for infants.
7 Do not use black bean with chemical medicines or other herbal medicines for fear of overlap.
8 Do not use the pill as a treatment for black people who are using aspirin continuously as well as the blood thinner warfarin.
Brother Abu Sattam has three questions, I say: How long would a pound of honey to the amount of black bean ground so that it is dealt with a tablespoon a day, where he heard they are active glands? ..
The second question is there herbal therapies to stimulate the thyroid gland? .. The third question says: "What are the herbs that are used against osteoporosis?
- Brother Abu Sattam for the first question add three tablespoons filling to eat kilos of honey.
The herbal medicine for thyroid there are herbal so-called nautical (Kelp) which is sold in food stores supplements.
With regard to osteoporosis, there is a preparation called (Calcium plus) is sold in food stores and taken from the supplementary disk after every meal.

Contents chemical
Chemical research has shown that black seed contains a large number of chemicals which contain the following:
An oil firm (Fixed oil) and up to another 35%, which is a fatty acids liberating hydrogen-unsaturated Fatty acids and some saturated fatty acids saturated Fatty acids in addition to a small percentage of Sterols (Sterols) and installation relative to the fatty acids of the oil firm is: Acid Aulink 20 24%, acid Nolik 4456%, acid Nollenek 6, 8.1% and acid and acid and acid Aracedk 9.2 5.2 Aekerzhadainok Balmitolenik 3% palmitic acid and 1214%, and acid Asterec 2:53 Mrstic% acid and 16% Astrulat and 0.5% was identified on the most important of Sterols and cholesterol, and Alcampsterol Alastjma sterols and Bitamsitustbrool and Alga Espinastbrool.
It also contains vitamins such as vitamin E, in addition to the articles of the soap and the most important compound Milanten black bean also contains beta carotene and a substance which proved to have effect against cancer cells. In addition to hormones and enzymes Hadmp and anti-acidity.
The most important are the contents of Nigella sativa volatile oil Volatile oil which is often blamed for drug effect. The volatile oil is a liquid volatile there by 1.5% and it smells aromatic Odhu color of pale yellow and the most important components of a composite Althaimokinnon range rate in the volatile oil between 18 and 25% of the weight of oil and a small amount of a substance binary Hedrotheimukenon and a high rate of substance Barracaymen 31.5% and Alfabeinin increased by 9,5% It also contains some oil on the Alasatr by 16% and phenol 7.1%, also containing sugar and starch ratios 33.9.7%, and minerals such as phosphates, phosphorus, iron and calcium.
(In modern medicine)
Grain of its image of black where the full impact of some research revealed that treatment of humans or rats, black bean powder led to the increase in the number and activity of some immune cells such as T cells and activated killer lymphocytes Klayat Alamblgmp (maciophages) in the endocytosis of germs. As research has shown the ability of these grains to increase the secretion of milk production in sheep.
Effects of aqueous extract of Nigella sativa: revealed empirical studies on the ability of aqueous extracts of Nigella sativa to activate the secretion of some factors that activate the immune lymphoid cells such as the subjects of interleukin 1 (Interleukine - 1) and interleukin 3 (Interleukine - 3) and to activate Bulgmh bacteria, as well as weaken the secretion infectious fluids acid and the prevention of experimental gastric ulcers updated material aspirin in rats. In addition to treating some diseases, intestinal worms in sheep and tapeworms in children.
The effects of Alcoholic Abstract:
Experimental studies revealed that the alcoholic extracts of black bean several effects such as lethal to many bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some fungi such as Aspergillus. Genocide, as well as some cancer cells and relax the muscles of the bowel and to curb the pain and cramps updated some experimental chemicals. As well as treat some people with certain intestinal worms such as tapeworms, Safra lumbricoides, as well as inhibition of inflammation, pain and prevention of tooth decay and prevent low level of hemoglobin and white blood cell count updated with some drugs such as anti-cancer drug cisplatin. (Pilot fuel)
Medical effects of the oil pilot of the bead black
Experimental studies have revealed the ability of the volatile oil in small doses to make some effects, namely:
Reduction of arterial blood pressure and reduce cardiac pulse rate in rats and pile on some influence activated Srotonip receptors in the brain.
Increase the speed of breathing "the events of irritation" and contractions in tracheal (Trachea) animal hair through the secretion of histamine.
Increase the secretion of bile in dogs.
Directed by increased uric acid, "the cause of gout" in the urine.
Lethal to many bacteria such as typhoid and Asalmunellh Alsnmp Alhbip and Alzanvp aeruginosa and some fungi such as Aspergillus niger and some intestinal worms.
Relax the muscles of the bowel and to curb the contractions updated some of the chemicals in it.
Reduce the level of blood sugar in rabbits and rats infected with the correct experimental diabetes after treatment with doses of "5 mg / kg" right in the peritoneum without any impact on the level of insulin in the blood.
Inhibition of contractions of isolated trachea of the animal hair material when activated histamine and acetylcholine and inhibition Tqdat arteries of rabbits updated material noradrenaline.
Reduction of body temperature by several degrees Celsius after injected in mice by activating receptors in the brain Srotonip in the Alheiboethelamsi researchers have tried to separate the main vehicles in the volatile oil of Nigella sativa and found that the compound Thaimokinnon is primarily responsible for the effects that resulted from the pilot fuel.
The composite Alfabeinin has discovered its ability to inhibit inflammation pilot through the secretion of hydrocortisone and discourage the growth of some bacteria, especially those associated with infections of acne, and that it has the ability to inhibit the growth of some tumors in the livers of rats and increased secretion of mucus from the airways in some patients with infections, pulmonary and particularly chronic. (use black bean).
Domestic uses: Used boiled black seeds about half a teaspoon with two-thirds cup of water per day for the treatment of dysmenorrhea and Digestive and urine and expels flatus and bloating in the abdomen, as well as cough and flu.
Uses powdered black bean mixed with sugar plant, where 50 grams of toasted black bean and crushed with 30 grams sugar plant and ISV him half a teaspoon morning and evening so as to prevent gases and lack of appetite and can drink water with Ambassov to make it easier to swallow.
To kill the worms worms "snake belly" is used boiling one teaspoon of bean seeds with water and drink the cup in the early morning with empty stomach and repeated dose evening until he graduated dead worms.
To strengthen the immune system uses a quarter kilo of black bean modern and crush well and then mixed with kilograms of honey kind of natural and placed in a sealed container and taken from daily spoon center on an empty stomach until the quantity and this recipe tried and useful in protecting against cancer, noting that people with diabetes should not Istalmwa this recipe and they can use seven pills a day chewing on an empty stomach with a glass of skim milk.
Used in the manufacture of black bean recipe, to open the appetite for those who wish to obesity.
Black bean used in the manufacture of antidote bite or sting Scorpions where he will attend the antidote of the following materials: black bean, gentian, Aristolochia, over, the love of Laurel, premium, dry pennyroyal, Smab, Jndbedstr, pyrethrum, Zenjil, black pepper, asafetida, parts equal and mix with honey porridge to be given to the person being bitten as a grain of peanuts and drink with milk or water.
Black bean used widely such as picking up where the spices are added to Junbiv, cakes and pastries and some sweets and insert a few granules with Arabic coffee to give it a special flavor. This recipe and a recipe proven popular. (Uses external)
Cumin powder is used after the roasted and crushed, blended with honey for the treatment of warts and skin infections and warts, where painted on the position of the affected area and wrap gauze bandage at bedtime and still Rabat in the next day and repeat the treatment until the healing.
For the treatment of eczema mix a cup of black bean powder, one cup of olive oil must be mixed well before use, and then painted the affected part twice a day until your symptoms of eczema and can be refilled if the symptoms returned and this recipe popular but untested.
For the treatment of tinnitus as cooked black bean seeds fried in olive oil or sesame and Qatar in the ear heals, and if, God willing, Qatar, also recovered in the nose of a cold person.
Use black bean cooked with vinegar for the treatment of dental pain rinse.
If the pond with a grain of boiled water and inhale vapor person with a cold and recovered it must cover the bowl with a towel over his head.
Insomnia Cure
Teaspoon of black bean blends have a glass of hot milk and local honey which reads as follows, and then drink before going to sleep: O stars laugh, and calmed the eyes and you are alive Qayyum, does not take you years and not sleep Iahy Ahad Qayyum Leila and sleep eyes.
Headache remedy
Taken into flour, black bean and half pink soft and the other half of star anise and mix it together and take it when you headaches medium spoon the yogurt before breakfast and again before lunch that it is continuing with the paint place headaches oil, black bean and reads the following: "No god but God Great Halim, there is no god but Allah, Lord of the Throne, there is no god but Allah, Lord of heaven and Lord of Earth and Lord of the holy throne. "
For the treatment of physical inactivity and laziness
Drink ten drops of fat black bean mixed in a glass of orange juice on an empty stomach every day for ten days with a lot of this seeking refuge with the following: I seek refuge in You from disability and laziness, cowardice and the pyramid and miserliness, and seek refuge in You from the grave and the trials of life and death. With the advice not to sleep after Fajr prayer and a lot of remembrance of Allah.
Mental activity and the speed of the conservation
Langley mint and put it after seven sweeten with honey drops of black seed oil and warm drink and be legible when the verses of Spell.
Dizziness and ear pain
Drop fat black bean for the ear and Isfiha purified with use of syrups and fat with the temples and the back of the head. Honey and honey can be mixed in water with a pinch of salt and dripping in the ear before going to sleep a day.
Hair Loss
Knead in flour, black bean juice, arugula vinegar diluted with a spoon and a cup of olive oil and rub the exponent of this day, morning and night, washed with warm water and soap daily. Spell and read the verses and healing.
Kidney infections
Made for the spray of flour, black bean variant in olive oil on the body that suffer the college with the sugar pill black day on an empty stomach for one week only ending inflammation, God willing.
Important note must be drawn with
A black seed known as Nigella Sativa, known commonly is the only pill that use medical and other species should not be used.
2 modern black bean harvest and stored in the warehouses of good sober and heavy and the larger the light whenever it is bad or adulterated with other types.
Three tested positive for the species known and available in the market such as the Ethiopian, Indian, Algosaimip contents of chemical and one is no difference between them, ask the cheapest price.
4 Andg not to use black seed oil and the best you use the black seeds as they are and also used by the Messenger of Allah and his friends.
5, pregnant women do not use black bean during pregnancy, where the oil firm of the bead falls fetus.
Six non-use of black bean at all for infants.
7 Do not use black bean with chemical medicines or other herbal medicines for fear of overlap.
8 Do not use the pill as a treatment for black people who are using aspirin continuously as well as the blood thinner warfarin.
Brother Abu Sattam has three questions, I say: How long would a pound of honey to the amount of black bean ground so that it is dealt with a tablespoon a day, where he heard they are active glands? ..
The second question is there herbal therapies to stimulate the thyroid gland? .. The third question says: "What are the herbs that are used against osteoporosis?
- Brother Abu Sattam for the first question add three tablespoons filling to eat kilos of honey.
The herbal medicine for thyroid there are herbal so-called nautical (Kelp) which is sold in food stores supplements.
With regard to osteoporosis, there is a preparation called (Calcium plus) is sold in food stores and taken from the supplementary disk after every meal.